Happy New Year! 2013 defined itself as the year that I totally found myself, picked up a few hobbies, and figured out I can pretty much be good at anything I try. I also put weight loss on the back burner, became a lot less obsessed on the aesthetics of healthy food and exercise and more obsessed with the way certain foods and acts of fitness make me feel.
2014 is going to be a pretty selfish year for me. I just have so much clutter in my life (and my home) that I don't have time and energy to focus on what really matters. This will be a year of minimizing the clutter and eliminating unnecessary activities, things, and people from my life. It may sound super selfish, but this decluttering is going to allow for me to truly enjoy the people, activities, and things that mean the most to me, so it's a matter of being 100% present for a select few instead of spreading myself too thin.
One thing I want to do this year is a Pinterest challenge. I have a love/hate relationship with Pinterest, it's a great place to keep track of amazing ideas from all over the web. The downside is that it's really easy to fall into the trap of setting yourself up for failure by not possibly being able to try everything you pin and comparing yourself to others by looking at their pins and assuming they are actually doing the stuff. I really want to start doing some of these projects, recipes, and workouts that I have pinned and blogging about the results. No pressure, no set number of pins that I try, just having fun actually trying stuff that I've found and seeing what really works!
As far as food and fitness goes, I'm really going to back off of the obsessive behavior. This is probably the first year I'm not really going to have a goal. I know I love lifting heavy weights. I also really enjoy running and want to add that back because I miss it so. Also want to try some new stuff, namely hit up a rock wall or two while it's still cold outside and move on to absurdly long hikes and/or possibly trail running when spring hits. The biggest change is that I'm really focusing on eating for the moment and moving in a way that feels good at the moment...no big goals, no big agenda, no counting or tracking, just being happy and healthy.