Monday, November 25, 2013

Been here 1 year! New Name, New Look, New things to share!

So, I totally have a new name and a new look! I'm sure you've noticed a transformation in my attitude lately and instead of abandoning "Building a Better Mel", I decided to let it evolve to fit my needs. I am no longer on a journey to make myself "better". I feel like striving for the next big improvement completely dishonors any of the work and improvements I have made so far. "Living Well With Mel" is my outlet to show you who I am right now...not where I'm going or where I've been, but simply what's going on now. Although I've gone through a lot of physical changes, that's not my primary concern anymore. I am becoming more and more fit and working on strength like crazy, but weight, weight loss, and the vanity of watching myself shrink is no longer where I am. I am totally into taking care of myself, my family, and the planet and have developed some pretty cool new interests and hobbies to share! You're going to see a lot of crafting, homesteading, veggie-growing type of stuff here as well as getting glimpses into how I'm keeping myself fit lately. Thank you for sticking with me, I know it's pretty unpopular to dump all of these things onto a blog that started out being so fitness-centric, but it's who I am and what I do now. Love to my friends and supporters!