Tuesday, November 27, 2012

The Dawn of a Big Celebration

Only about 4 hours left until the start of our 13 day celebration of Arthur's life. It may seem silly to do this, but to me, there is no reason not to celebrate the tad under two week period that completely changed my life. I feel that people often downplay the death of an infant, I have had quite a few insensitive comments tossed my way and have certainly overheard others. The takeaway here is that these little people who we, the bereaved parents, have lost ARE people! With real lives, real names, and real parents who had real hopes and dreams for them. They lived in the womb, some never took a breath of air on earth, while others lived long enough on the outside to meet some people who will always remember them.  Arthur didn't live long, but he lived long enough to show me that there are truly beautiful people in the world, he seemed to draw out the beautiful soul of everyone he encountered. Arthur also lived long enough to show me that there is a God who has a plan for me, and that I should just trust my intuition because that's Him pointing me in the right direction.

When I rise in the morning, I will dress for the gym, get into the car and sing "Happy Birthday" at the top of my lungs! Once I arrive at the gym, I plan on running as far as I can. I don't care if it hurts, nothing can hurt worse than the memory of holding your deceased child for the last time.  I will run in honor of the little boy who I was told would never be able to stand, walk, eat, or live beyond a few days.  I will run until my legs give out and my lungs burn because when you attach physical pain to emotional pain, it seems so much easier to deal with. I will run every day until December 11, the day that Arthur decided his run on Earth was over.

I will also continue to write on many different platforms.  Arthur's story has to be told, people need to know to look at the bigger picture.  They need to know that when the worst thing that you can possibly imagine happens to you, it happens for a reason.  God gives you a choice, you can let tragedy define you or you can pray for strength and come out of something so terrible as a better person and hopefully inspire other people to deal with their own tragedies in a meaningful way.

Tonight's post really has nothing to do with what this blog is about, yet, somehow it also has everything to do with it. Yes, it is totally a page owned by a fit foodie who is enjoying a pretty significant weight loss, but I know if it weren't for meeting Arthur, I would have never looked at myself the way his little eyes looked at me and seen someone who deserves to take the best care of herself possible.

Now that the heavy stuff is off my chest, I can go on posting fun food and fitness stuff!!

1 comment:

  1. The 13 Days of Arthur are my favorite 13 days of the year. Thank you so much for sharing your journey with us.
